Friday, June 12, 2020


The mug city.

In the last chapter we read how lexer and Sam escape from the claw of that tribe.

Dark City Wallpapers - Wallpaper Cave

Finally, however they reached in the mug city. City was very dirty and plastic bag were thrown
On the path, and mud was spoiled everywhere. The city was very dirty, so peoples left that city
Instead of clean the city. There was huge factory so the sunlight cannot reach there. So there
Was very dark area, and the clouds were very dark. But lexer   was brave he walked some steps
In city, he was shocked to see the city very dirty. He was finding a gym, then suddenly he
Found something. That was a power plant of whole city. Lexer and same couldn’t see the
Caution board which was fell down.  They entered in the power plant area, there he
Found one dragterra, name was mugterra. They ignored that and walked deep into the dark area.
There was a huge electric tower then they come to know that is a power plant.
Quickly they ran out of the area, and they start walking on the road, he found a old factory,
This was a textile company .  there was smelling like rotten food,                          
When Sam try to explore the factory, so mugterra start attacking on them. 
Lexer and Sam ran away and locked themselves in a house. Lexer took outMudman - Darksun 5e monstre
His casaido, and make some fire. Sam seen two people lied on the floor.
They were unconscious. So lexer   took out his water bottle, and sprinkles some water
On them. Finally they waked up, they were very hungry. Then the Sam offer them
Some bread, they ate all the bread. They informed the lexer and Sam about the city.  
While they   were talking, the mugterra cover the area from every where.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Dragterra #11


Finally   lexer had collected three dragterra, for volcano league. Now the lexer  have experience, and his faithful daragterras   with him.  Lets see what will happen in this chapter.

Now   lexer is finding a gym to collect the badge. Finally he found a gym, On a map the name was mug gym, in the mug city. He was very excited for his match.
Cartoon Map Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | ShutterstockSam and lexer packed their bag and now they were ready to go, lexer had a map
With him, in that map one short cut was showing through a forest.
They decided to walk through the forest, so they can reach quickly to his destination.
They start walking through the forest, they were walking since two hours in forest,
After sometime they realize that they were wandered in forest. Now they were tiered
And they sat on a rock and drink few drops of water. Suddenly one hula tribes came,
And start attacking on lexer and Sam. They start running, they were fast as bullet
Train.  While running suddenly they fell on a trap, and hula tribe captured them in
A cage.                                                                                               Flee For Your Life by Sesroh on DeviantArt

I don’t know what will happen with Sam and lexer in next chapter.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

story time #1

the monkey 

It was my school holiday. And I was playing badminton, with shambhu, he was stronger

ArtStation - Little Boy on the Roof, Sarafim Seraphim
then me but I was more active then shambhu. 
Then suddenly children start scream. "monkey, monkey look their is monkey." 
said shambhu. That time I was 9 years old. so i was excited to watch the monkey.
Quickly I climbed on my roof. And seen around my, but monkey had already gone from
their. I was feeling unhappy, because I couldn't see monkey.
When you see a monkey, 'avoid eye contact, don't tease them ...

After two days once again monkey return to our village. And again children start
screaming. I was already on my roof, Finally I saw a monkey, he was
hairy and black face, and his canine seen very dangerous, nails were very sharp.
When I was watching him with concentration, then one boy thrown a small rock from his
roof. his name was chintu. He was very naughty, as he thrown a rock on monkey
.he become angry like erupted volcano, and he don't see around him and quickly
start running forward the chintu. Quickly chintu entered in a room and locked himself
in a room, which was on his roof. but his grand mother was on the roof seated on a
 a chair. Suddenly monkey came start screaming and scratching the chintu's grand mother.
she cried very loudly, and she also scares from monkeys. After few second
his son came and monkey went from their.
Chintu's father scolded him for throwing rocks on animals,
after that he never thrown a single rock on any animal.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

dragterra # 10

A monster

In the last  chapter, we read lexer and brock were playing video game. Then suddenly one one sound came from balcony and lexer went balcony to see what is their . lets see what will happen in this chapter.

lexer went to balcony to see what trouble is their. what he seen? he seen one dragtera is climbing on his building and throwing the fire from his mouth. he was big!. and destroying the city property
.so lexer tried to stop the big dragtera. he pick out the paraswimer and use water gun this attack was not enough to to stop the dragtera . he was was angry and attack against paraswimer and one explosion happen from that attack and paraswimer get injured and then brock came and he was trying to keep away from big dragtera  from himself. after sometime some drag trainer help lexer and brock and they caught the big dragtera and they move inside.and they slept.

suddenly, brock wake up at 12:00 am from the bed and he see out of his apartment through his window, there he see many people were walking on road with hands front then the bell rang brock went to open the door. he peeped through the hole of door . there he seen a men is stand frount of his door wearing black shirt  brock open the door and there was a green zombie instead of a men! suddenly he bite him .
then suddenly he fall down from his bed and he awake up from his dream. It was not reality it was just a dream brock took some breath and drank water.and he relaxed by reading a book.  

Thursday, May 14, 2020

dragterra #9

A new team member in the team.

In last chapter we read, how lexer won the match from brock. Who is a great trainer like
lexer. and lexer got a grass type dragterra too, name murafatose.
lets see what will happen in this chapter

Now our heroes are in flash city. They are tiered, so they stayed in a hotel, and there they ate
their meal. It was evening, and they were going to their bed, then suddenly one sound came from 
their neighbor's room. "ye! ye! hit." some one was screaming.
sam was feeling horrible about that, they were trying to peep in side the room. Then suddenly
one security came and, "what are you doing here." asked security with spy eyes. 
"nothing." said both with nervousness. And sam informed the security, about the sound.
Security knocked the door, one boy opened the door. he was brock. "oh brock you?" asked the lexer.
"what a coincident we met again." said brock.
sam asked about the sound, then brock said that he was watching a movie.
"do you like to enjoy movie with me." offered brock. lexer think to spent some
time with brock. "yes, why not," said lexer. But sam want's to sleep.
and sam go to his bed. and he slept down. After watching movie, they were playing
video game, in brock house. Suddenly one sound came from his balcony. Lexer heard this
sound, and he went to his balcony. And there lexer seen something horrible.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

dragterra #8

Lexer won the match

In the last chapter we read, how lexer trained the casaido and he learned the new attack,
which was which was a combination attack,  made from fire magma and fire punch.
lets see what will happen in next chapter.

Lexer was very excited before the tournament. He was ready for tournament, but 
he was very hungry, sam and lexer ate their breakfast. 
Finally tournament started.  lexer took out his paraswimer, and his opponent had
an grass type dragterra which is more powerful against the paraswimmer. "start."
referee ordered. "label leaf, now!" quickly ordered the opponent. Suddenly many leafs
stuck on paraswimmer, "roll now." ordered the lexer, and he rolled than all leaves were removed.
and now paraswimmer can see. "water ball." said lexer, attack done by paraswimmer. Attack
was very powerful. and now the opponent gives up. And winner is lexer.

lexer used both dragterra and he reached in the fifth round
this is his last round lets see what will happen.

 Lexer will fight with brock in last round. Which is a great trainer.
Both stood on their center. lexer took out his
casaido which is a fire type dragterra.
and brock took out his neliora, which is a grass type dragterra.
 Finally referee ordered them to start.
"root seed." said brock, quickly one seed uprooted from the land. And many roots
came out from the seed and captured the casaido.
"flame busk." said lexer, and than casaido's body became very hot.
And roots get melted, now the casaido is free.
"fire ball use quickly." said lexer. his aim was alright
and fire ball injured the neliora. brock was ready to
give up, but neliora was not ready. "grass tail now."
said brock. that attack was power full, it was like hammer
thrown pain. but casaido cached his tail, and thrown him
away. "get ready for this move. now use fire magma
and fire punch quickly." that attack was very fast
toward the neliora, and neliora fell down. And lexer
won the match, after the brock congratulate the lexer.
and lexer got a grass type dragterra in prize.

Friday, May 8, 2020


Casaido learned a new attack.

In the last chapter we read how sam win the dragterra race in flashcity. And he got a flash 
medal. word flash which indicate the word light, and light is fastest thing in the word.
lets see what will happen in next chapter.

In the flashcity there was one more tournament was going on. name quick action. that tournament was only for dragterra trainers. in that tournament they  have to defeat the players. there are five round to win. 
for the tournament only two Dragterra needed, so the lexer can participate in the 

Tournament will start on Monday which is on over morrow. Lexer have some time for 
practice. He took help of sam during practice, they were tired. they took some time for rest. 
they were watching a television during rest time. Which was about dragterra fighting.
In that show one dragterra used combined attack, which was very powerful. 
So from that lexer got a idea. During fighting he will use paraswimer and casaido.
which is fire and one is water type dragterra. He took his casaido which 
is a fire type dragterra, he can use fire punch. fire ball, and fire magma. Lexer combined 
two attack one is fire magma and fire punch which was very power full attack.He named
as fire goal. "casaido get ready for practice." said lexer, and casaido shakes his 
head. they went in fighting ground. "use fire magma and fire punch quickly." ordered lexer.
attack done by casaido which was very powerful, its create a flame and blast sound . Now casaido is 
more powerful than before.
the casaido.
a bigblast.